
Superior Heray Spice Afghan Saffron: Updates on 2023 Improvements - Heray Spice
Jul 06, 2023
INTRODUCTION Afghan Saffron is known for its strong and intricate fragrance, which is its most notable feature. Heray Saffron is classified as a "Superior Category" Saffron, indicating that it contains over 200 units of color (u/c), with an average of 297 u/c. Our Saffron is 90% more potent than other saffron products currently available in the general US Foodservice market. The image provided shows a sample label displaying the crop control tracing. SUPERIOR AFGHANISTAN SAFFRON Heray Saffron is carefully packaged under the supervision and numbering of the Heray Spice Cooperative. We guarantee the authenticity of the product's origin. We have implemented a crop control program for the 2022 harvest, which ensures complete traceability of the Saffron from the various farms and farmers involved, through the processing and packaging stages, all the way to your hands. We adhere to a highly traditional method of harvesting Afghan Saffron. Our crop control program ensures that the Heray Superior Afghan Saffron distributed under the Heray Spice brand is free from any contamination by pathogens, pesticides, and heavy metals. The product is analyzed and packaged in Chicago, following the parameters of the GFSI standard.