What Makes Our Saffron Different?

What Makes Our Saffron Different?

Mar 23, 2024Dale Richards

Fresher & More Flavorful:

Our saffron is meticulously hand-picked and processed, sourced directly from generations-old farms in the saffron heartlands of Herat, Afghanistan. The threads are carefully hand-harvested and sun-dried using traditional methods, ensuring the saffron's vibrant color and rich aroma.

Single Origin Excellence:
We directly source our saffron from local farmers in Herat, Afghanistan, renowned for their expertise in saffron cultivation for centuries. The region's unique climate and fertile soil contribute to the exceptional quality of our saffron, which has been treasured for generations.

Transparent Sourcing:
Each thread of saffron can be traced back to the moment it was hand-picked and processed, guaranteeing transparency and quality control at every stage of production. Our commitment to traceability ensures that you receive only the finest saffron in every jar.

Freshness & Pureness Guaranteed:
Our saffron is harvested once a year during November, the peak season and immediately processed on-site to preserve its freshness and flavor. It is then carefully packed and shipped directly from Herat to our facility in Chicago and to our customers worldwide, ensuring that you experience the true essence of saffron with every use.

Empowering Afghan Farmers Through Cooperation:
We are proud to operate as a cooperative, collaborating directly with local farmers in Herat, Afghanistan. By working together, we ensure fair compensation for our farmers and support sustainable agricultural practices that benefit both the community and the environment.

Botanical Name: Crocus sativus

Origin: Herat, Afghanistan

Harvest Date: November - December 2023

Processing: Hand-picked, sun-dried

Farm Type: Small family farms

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