Blogs & Recipes

Snooze in Style: How Saffron Can Spice Up Your Slumber - Heray Spice
Oct 23, 2023
Are you tired of tossing and turning, desperately seeking the sweet embrace of sleep, only to have it slip through your fingers like sand? Well, have no fear, because it turns out that saffron, that vibrant and exotic spice known for adding flavour to your favourite dishes, might be the golden ticket to a better night's sleep! The science-backed magic of saffron was revealed in studies featured in SlashGear, Plant People, and Neuroscience News, showing that saffron can influence the production of serotonin, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns. So, next time you're ready to drift into slumberland, consider adding a touch of saffron to your bedtime ritual—it may just be the key to unlocking a world of sweet dreams and sound sleep, all wrapped up in the golden allure of saffron. Good night and sweet saffron dreams!
Royal Prawn Saffron Orzo Delight - Heray Spice
Oct 18, 2023
After a memorable evening at Chicago's Andros Taverna, where we savoured a delectable dish named 'Seafood Orzotto,' our craving for saffron and orzo grew. As we delved into our culinary exploration, it was fascinating to uncover the Italian origins of orzo, despite its Mediterranean and Middle Eastern prevalence. Our hearts and taste buds were set on the enchanting 'King Prawn Orzo with Tomato and Saffron' recipe. But first, let's unveil the intriguing nature of orzo. With its rice-like appearance, you could easily mistake it for risotto, though the two are fundamentally distinct. Orzo, also known as risoni (Italian for 'barley'), derives its name from its barley-like resemblance. While most orzo is crafted from semolina flour, a more vibrant tricoloured variety emerges from sun-dried tomatoes and spinach infusion, giving it a dash of colour.
Unraveling the Enigma of Saffron's High Price - Heray Spice
Oct 17, 2023
Saffron, often touted as the world's most expensive spice, derives its luxurious price tag from a multitude of factors intricately woven into its production process. The labor-intensive harvesting, where each crimson thread is hand-picked, the expansive land required for cultivation, and the meticulous drying process, all contribute to its high cost. Strict quality standards ensure that only the finest saffron makes it to market, limiting its availability and adding to the expense. The spice's limited geographic range, confined to regions with specific climate and soil conditions, further restricts its supply. Combined with the unwavering demand for its unique flavor and vibrant color, the interplay of these factors drives saffron's premium price, making it an unrivaled culinary treasure worth every golden strand.
From Rice to Rolls: Uniting Afghan and Japanese Cuisines with a Saffron Twist - Heray Spice
Oct 12, 2023
Afghan and Japanese cuisines, despite hailing from opposite corners of the globe, share an intriguing culinary kinship. These seemingly divergent traditions intersect on a universal plane where rice reigns supreme, serving as the cornerstone of countless dishes. Emphasizing the significance of seasonality, both Afghan and Japanese cultures exalt fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, allowing nature's bounty to dictate their culinary creations. An alliance of seasonings and spices, whether Afghan cumin and cardamom or Japanese soy sauce and miso, elevate their dishes to extraordinary heights. The realm of noodles welcomes both, with Afghanistan's 'ashak' paralleling Japan's udon and soba noodles. Grilled meats, from Afghan kebabs to Japanese yakitori, unite in the allure of smoky, charred flavours. Stuffed grape leaves meet sushi rolls, displaying a shared love for wrapping ingredients into harmonious delights. And in the tranquil embrace of tea culture, Afghan green tea finds kinship with Japan's diverse green tea offerings. These shared elements paint a vivid portrait of the culinary universality that transcends borders. For those seeking a creative fusion, consider saffron sushi rolls, where the earthy infusion of saffron imbues a Japanese classic with Afghan intrigue.
Unveiling the Art of Harvesting Crocus Bulbs: A Glimpse into Herat, Afghanistan - Heray Spice
Oct 11, 2023
In the heart of Afghanistan, the ancient city of Herat comes alive each autumn with a vibrant display of saffron flowers, heralding the beginning of a meticulous and cherished tradition. The delicate process of extracting the Corpus bulbs, the precious red stigmas of the Crocus Sativus flower, is a labor-intensive craft passed down through generations. Herat's saffron farmers, armed with baskets and nimble hands, venture into the fields at dawn to carefully pluck each saffron flower, ensuring the invaluable stigmas remain unharmed. The art of saffron extraction, revered for its pure, hands-on nature, is a testament to the dedication and patience of the region's farmers. With the sun as their ally, the stigmas are gently sun-dried to perfection. It's here, in the embrace of nature and tradition, that the world's most coveted spice, saffron, is born.
Pumpkin Spice Latte - Heray Spice
Oct 09, 2023
Creating a homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) is akin to embracing the essence of autumn in a cup. This detailed recipe serves as your expert companion, guiding you through each step with care, right from your own cozy kitchen. From selecting your preferred milk, be it the creamy indulgence of whole milk, the lighter 2%, or a non-dairy alternative like almond, soy, or oat milk, to the star ingredient of 100% pure pumpkin puree, not to be confused with the sweeter pumpkin pie filling. You'll expertly balance sweetness with granulated sugar or explore the rich depths of maple syrup. The blend of warm, aromatic spices, vanilla extract, and a shot of strong coffee or espresso, combined with optional indulgences like whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg, yields a delightful seasonal treat that can be fully customized to suit your palate. Whether you savour it curled up indoors or take it on an autumn adventure, your homemade PSL promises to be the epitome of fall flavours and comforting coziness.